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Serving North & Northeast Texas Communities


  • Dismissed Assault Family Violence
    Case gets dismissed after Greg sets the case for trial.
  • Dismissed Assault By Contact
    Case gets dismissed.
  • Dismissed Assault Family Violence
    Client hires Greg, case gets dismissed.
  • Reduced Charge Two Felony Drug Cases

    Greg negotiates with DA’s Office and client gets time served for the time he already spent in the county jail. Client does not have to go back to jail, pay a fine or owe court cost, accomplishing his goals.

  • Charge Reduced Possession of Marijuana

    Client hires Greg and charge gets reduced to a Class C misdemeanor.

  • Charge Reduced Driving While Intoxicate

    After Greg sets the case for trial, DA’s office agrees to reduce the charge to an obstruction of a highway.

  • Dismissed Burglary Of Habitation And Criminal Trespass

    Greg enters into negotiations with the District Attorney’s Office, the results of the negotiations are the Burglary of Habitation (2nd Degree Felony) gets reduced to a Class A misdemeanor with no conviction and the Criminal Trespass case gets dismissed.

  • Dismissed Theft And Evading Arrest

    Client was admitted into the pre-trial diversion program resulting in client’s cases being dismissed and record expunged.

  • Charge Reduced Felony Theft

    DA’s office insisting on client going to prison. Greg formulates a defense strategy and goes to trial before the Court. Client was given probation. Client avoided any prison time and was able to stay employed.

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